
Red Deer Polytechnic: "Alumni In The News: Braden Scheck - Energetic City", Red Deer Polytechnic's Alumni Spotlight E-Newsletter, June 2023. Web.
Foster, Shailynn: “Former Fort St. John resident credited in newest Spider-Man movie”, EnergeticCity.ca, June 2023. Web. https://energeticcity.ca/2023/06/02/former-fort-st-john-resident-credited-in-newest-spider-man-movie/?fbclid=IwAR22uuB0opOqNVPZTnV7uJgKTnZiypqz10eFPDCSAWw-TJBLCm2LBDHbZOE
Red Deer College: "The Work of Making Art", Red Deer College's Alumni Spotlight Newsletter, September 2019. Web.
Red Deer College: "Spotlight on School of Creative Arts alumnus Braden Scheck", Red Deer College's Alumni Spotlight E-Newsletter, February 2019. Web.
Amani, Ha Na: “From Vancouver to Hollywood: Braden Scheck and the Marilyn
Monroe Film Dress”, MetroLivingZine, May 2015. Web. http://www.metrolivingzine.com/2015513ihvdyvvzatboy25phgf1wak4koxl36/
Amin, Faiza: “Hollywood FSJ”, CJDCTV News, May 2015. Web.
CBC Radio West: “Marilyn Monroe’s white dress recreated with film strips”, CBC
News, May 2015. Web. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/marilyn-monroe-s-white-dress-recreated-with-film-strips-1.3070117
“Emily Carr student redesigns iconic Marilyn Monroe dress using filmstrips”, Global
News, May 2015. Web. https://globalnews.ca/video/2001610/emily-carr-student-redesigns-iconic-marilyn-monroe-dress-with-filmstrips
Emily Carr University: “Braden Scheck’s Work Featured at the Hollywood Museum”,
Emily Carr University’s Emix Newsletter, May 2015. Web. https://www.connect.ecuad.ca/about/news/324956
Scott, Bronwyn: “Fort St. John artist Braden Scheck is heading to Hollywood”,
Northeast News, May 2015. Web. http://www.northeastnews.ca/fort-st-john-artist-braden-scheck-is-heading-to-hollywood/
Steinberg, Adam: “Local art student’s Marilyn Monroe replica dress being displayed
in LA”, EnergeticCity.ca, May 2015. Web. https://energeticcity.ca/2015/05/local-art-students-marilyn-monroe-replica-dress-being-displayed-in-la/
Stodalka, William: “Hollywood says yes to Fort St. John artist’s dress”, Alaska
Highway News, May 2015. Web. http://www.alaskahighwaynews.ca/fort-st-john/hollywood-says-yes-to-fort-st-john-artist-s-dress-1.1932072